# wxml/max-lines

# Background

Max Lines

Some people consider large files a code smell. Large files tend to do a lot of things and can make it hard following what's going. While there is not an objective maximum number of lines considered acceptable in a file, most people would agree it should not be in the thousands. Recommendations usually range from 100 to 500 lines. same with official eslint rules max-lines (opens new window), but for wxml.

# Motivation

This rule enforces a maximum number of lines per file, in order to aid in maintainability and reduce complexity.


Please note that most editors show an additional empty line at the end if the file ends with a line break. This rule does not count that extra line.

# Config Example 1

{ "wxml/max-lines": ["error", 6] }
<!-- comment also will be count as lines --> <view line="1"> <view line="2"> <view line="3"></view> </view> <view line="5"></view> </view>
Now loading...

# Config Example 2

{ "wxml/max-lines": ["error", { "max": 10, "skipBlankLines": true }]}
<view line="1" /> <view line="2" /> <view line="3" /> <view line="4" /> <view line="5" /> <view line="6" />
Now loading...

💡 tips

You can edit code via online editor, it's online REPL, try to fix eslint problem !

# Config

"wxml/max-lines": [<enabled>, <number | { max: number, skipBlankLines?: boolean }>]

⚠️ warning

If you enable this rule, please provide a valid max number config, otherwise it not work, because no default max-lines number

# Version

This rule was introduced in eslint-plugin-wxml v0.3.0

# Implementation

Last Updated: 12/13/2022, 12:24:46 PM